So, who are we?

Fair question. My name is Ryan Cave, and I’m a recent transplant from Portland, OR. While there, my family and I were spoiled with dedicated gf facilities to satisfy almost every cuisine we could want. We had safe and trusted brands for all of our culinary needs from a local butcher shop, to grocery stores, to bakeries where we could find delicious treats and savory staples. Whenever we would travel we would realize how lucky we were in Portland. We would have to bring granola bars and other portable food to sustain us while hoping the frozen section of the grocery store at least had something. 

When we made the decision to move we kept having to rule places out because there was a lack of both restaurants and fresh staples. 

*light bulb moment*

What if we focused on these areas instead of avoiding them? What if we help address the lack of options by recreating what we took for granted in Oregon? For context, we have several food allergies we have to navigate in our immediate family: Celiac Disease, dairy, egg, nuts, and melons. We call this the Venn Diagram of Allergies (we actually use an expletive but won’t share it here). Then we started doing market research through Facebook and found we weren’t alone in our predicament. We concluded that the biggest thing missing from our market was fresh table bread. 

After four years, dozens of recipes, hundreds of pounds of flour, books, podcasts, and exhaustive conversations with industry professionals we’ve arrived at our final recipe. We chose to hit the market with a few solid products and are excited for you to try them.